Welcome to the Wingecarribee District PSSA website, it is currently aimed to provide dates, district contact details to the community and up to date last minute changes to trials as another point of reference for information available online regarding WDPSSA events.
Our district covers 14 schools and we are part of the Tablelands Zone School Sports Association. If you have any direct questions, it is best to get in contact with your School Sports Coordinator. If you are unsure who this may be, please, check under the ‘About > School’ tab to gain further information.
If you have a query about a particular trial, your first point of contact should be your child’s School Sports Coordinator. Initial notes regarding trials should come directly from each individual School Sports Coordinator to eligible students. (Year 5-6 students with representative experience at club level or higher in that sport.) Notes typically are sent out at least 1 week prior to trials where possible. Term 1 is a very busy time for trials and ultimately we aim to avoid any sporting clashes with other organised PSSA events. We are also dictated by the NSWPSSA calendar and have needed to work backwards through the sporting pathways schedule to ensure we hold our events early enough to select teams ready for their perspective next level trials.
District Meetings are held once a term and member school representatives are invited to come together to organise Wingecarribee District PSSA carnivals, team trials and discuss any business arising.
On this website you will find useful information such as trial dates and who the District managers are for their respective teams. District managers will provide further details to successful applicants regarding Zone/Regional events.
You can also access the South Coast (regional) PSSA calendar weblink: > here <